Michael Beckerman Archives | Page 33 of 54 | CREtech

CRETECH January 13, 2017

Here are my favorite Real Estate Tech reads from this past week. Happy reading!

CRE Tech: Why Do I Care?

Blog - Neuerspace

Any follow...

CRETECH January 09, 2017

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I think 2017 will be the year of M&A in the CRE Tech sector. There are many reasons for this, including the challenges many sites are facing to raise money and scale as well as the consolidation of power in the hands of those with tract...

CRETECH January 06, 2017

As if we need another example to show how the publishing world is a mess…

Medium says it can’t make money selling ads so it’s laying off a third of its staff

I am a huge fan of Medium and would consider myself an active user of the site. In my opinion, some ...

CRETECH January 04, 2017

As someone who spends most of their day consuming, creating and studying content, I know that we are living in transformative times in the news sector. Throughout most of my career on the PR side, the media had all the power. They were the ultimate arbiters of what was important and what was not. The all-powerful gatekeepers.

When content migrated from print to digital, the media continue...

CRETECH December 30, 2016

Here are my favorite Real Estate Tech reads from this past week. Happy reading!

Q&A with Buildout CEO, Vishu Ramanathan

Blog - Real Est...

CRETECH December 19, 2016

What a year 2016 was for the CRE tech sector. So many amazing things to look back on and really be "wowed" by. But also, so many things to raise red flags over! It's all part of the normal business cycle, especially in a new industry like CRE tech. 2017 is destined to be another year of change, progress and defeats. Again, all normal stuff. There will be some winners and obviously some that thr...

CRETECH December 09, 2016

Here are my favorite Real Estate Tech reads from this past week. Happy reading!

3 Gadgets that Empower the CRE Professional

Blog - Jonatha...

CRETECH December 06, 2016

One of the things I personally always try and commit to is self-awareness. To have perspective on the times I am living through. Both personally and professionally. Maybe it’s what happens when you reach middle age :)  Every day, those of us in the real estate tech sector that are fighting the good fight for survival, credibility and traction often lose sight of the much bigger pict...

CRETECH November 23, 2016

In the good old days, the best way to build your business was quite simple. You networked. It was the core strategy of any good networking professional. You went to an event, you connected with some folks, followed up with them, kept in touch with them and perhaps sent them info periodically (which made you look really smart). This is a great strategy that worked for a long time. And still does...

CRETECH November 18, 2016

Here are my favorite Real Estate Tech reads from this past week. Happy reading!

7 tech tips for real estate agents from a true expert

Blog ...