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CRETECH July 22, 2016

Little by little, states are making it legal for marijuana to be used for medicinal and recreational purposes. Interestingly, this has had an impact on not only people and businesses but also the real estate industry. A prime example is that commercial real estate tech startups are using green zones to map compliant marijuana properties.

CRETECH July 21, 2016

Every once in a while, an amazing mobile app comes along that helps brokers be more effective. Designed specifically for real estate brokers in New York City, Falkon is revolutionizing the research and discovery process for properties. With this mobile-first app, data pertaining to virtually every freestanding property are available. This tool has enhanc...

CRETECH July 20, 2016

While the yearly Realtors Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo focuses heavily on political issues, the annual May Realtor Magazine is more interested how technological advancements affect the real estate world. In particular, real estate professionals have the opportunity to gain insight about free and affordable technology tools that can easily be integrated into their business.

CRETECH July 19, 2016

10MinRealty (TMR) is a smart mobile device app for consumers and real estate agents that can be downloaded in the Google Play Store and the App Store. With this innovative application, a connection is made in r...

CRETECH July 18, 2016

More than any other time in history, a commercial real estate tech marketing plan is essential. With an abundance of marketing strategies, creating an effective plan can be challenging, whether working alone, with ...

CRETECH July 15, 2016
CRETECH July 14, 2016

After much anticipation, the first Hudson Yards building has opened for business. As the largest private real estate development in the country, this is a significant milestone. With reporters from Forbes on hand donned in bright yellow vests and hard hats, Hudson Yards was toured. Spread ov...

CRETECH July 13, 2016
CRETECH July 12, 2016

Sidewalk Labs recently announced its plan to partner with Transportation for America to develop transportation solutions. This partnership will focus primarily on connected street technology. This creates an opportunity for better decision making specific to connected roadways and other transportation hubs.

CRETECH July 11, 2016

Taking a modular approach to alleviating pain points for managing real estate, RE-Trax has become a popular cloud-based (SaaS) software platform solution. The process of managing real estate assets can be time-consuming, complex, i...