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CRETECH October 06, 2016
CRETECH October 05, 2016

Media innovator Matterport is leading the way in creating and distributing 3D and virtual reality content across the real estate industry. Their latest figures showcase the tremendous potential of immersive technology across various market segments with the number of

CRETECH October 05, 2016
CRETECH October 04, 2016

Sharestates surpassed the $1 billion mark in loan funding capacity thanks to its latest round of capital infusion. The nation’s top online real estate crowdfunding platform will use the new funds to increase their funding capabilities, add new loans programs, of...

CRETECH October 04, 2016

Guest Blog by Howard Kozloff, Managing Partner of Agora Partners

“In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish.”

So said Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, in reference to the rapid ...

CRETECH October 03, 2016

As a real estate agent, you have to differentiate yourself from the competition and make your properties stand out. This is easier when you have the video right marketing tools, since today's Internet-savvy consumers expect video content. Talk Fusion's all-in-one video marketing solution is so easy to use that you'll find yourself thinking...

CRETECH October 03, 2016
CRETECH September 30, 2016

The latest CRE Tech event brings hundreds of commercial real estate industry leaders together at the Intersect, a community-driven symposium to promote emerging trends in technology. Early tickets for the New York City event have sold out.

The Intersect symposium is in the afternoon and evening on October 6 at One World Trade Center. L...

CRETECH September 29, 2016

It’s time to move past the traditional code-based smart lockbox for real estate agents. Toor Today uses Bluetooth and cellular capabilities to customize who can see the property and when access is available. The product is ideal for residential and commercial real estate agents, contra...

CRETECH September 28, 2016

What might you do with the money saved from significantly reduced rent and commuting costs? Could you live with only a bed, a closet, and TV? New Yorkers have their micro apartments, and soon Mumbai may be fashioning the micro-hotel, thanks to the vision of a 24-year-old real estate adventurist.  

To meet the growing demands for a...