CREtech Blog Archives | Page 54 of 128 | CREtech

CRETECH February 07, 2017

Real Estate Tech News is always looking to profile up and coming real estate startups that are doing interesting things and expanding in the marketplace. We recently caught up with Olga Koroleva to discuss CapitalBrain, a data driven intelligence platform for private commercial real estate firms.

What is your background?

Ten years ago, ...

CRETECH February 07, 2017

We all have that one house in our neighborhood that we just love. The problem is it’s not for sale. In fact, there are more than 73 million off-market homes in the United States. Rather than being a creepy neighbor knocking on a stranger’s door asking if they would consider selling,

CRETECH February 06, 2017

Two generations ago, visions of cities of the future involved flying cars, fast transportation, and stylistic buildings. We still need to work on the flying cars, but cities are making zipping from point A to B more efficient thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. Municipalities can calculate things like how much time commuters will save while reducing unfriendly environmental emiss...

CRETECH February 06, 2017
Commercial real estate technology improves a brokerage’s client relationships.

Why? Any process that helps the brokerage focus on the real work of building personal client relationships is a competitive advantage. We’ve collaborated with CRE marketing leader Buildout, to create an

CRETECH February 02, 2017

Guest Post by Kedar Sathe, Founder & CEO, BESIS AI


Real estate transactions are unique from most other transactions that people encounter. First, most people are part of a real estate transaction just once in their lifetime and, more importantly, it is the largest transaction they handle. The pr...

CRETECH February 02, 2017

In January this year, VC heavyweight Norwest Investment Partners identified real estate technology as one of its top predictions for 2017. Despite attracting growing interest, the real estate tech investment scene is still limited to a handful of specialist acceler...

CRETECH February 01, 2017


Women are playing a leading role today’s commercial real estate tech industry. Under...

CRETECH January 31, 2017

Not all consumers may need smart hairbrush or an automated toaster, but it is neat to see what technology can do! Outside-the-box thinking drives innovation, and no single event highlights both the craziest ideas and groundbreaking new technology like CES 2017. The 50th annual convention didn’t disappoint the tech aficionados gathered to prev...

CRETECH January 30, 2017

There has been an explosion in technology for commercial real estate over the last few years and millions of dollars are being invested in dozens of new startups.

One of the most successful companies to emerge from this round of innovation is Buildout, a marketing pl...

CRETECH January 27, 2017

Working the front lines in the real estate industry sometimes is like talking to a two-year-old. Most inquiries are the same questions asked over and over again, often from unqualified leads, wasting valuable resources. That’s where artificial intelligence tech can help. Customer service providers have been using chatbots to respond to common inquiries for years and they’re getting smarter....