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CRETECH March 15, 2017

Guest Post by Matt Murphy, CMO of Chime Technologies

According to the 2017 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trend report by the National Association of Realtors, millennials are now the largest group of potent...

CRETECH March 14, 2017

Websites do not age well. New coding practices and standards change the direction of web design it seems every five years. We look back at some of the original websites as novelties, but for a thriving business, a dinosaur website is not cute. If your website is showing a high bounce rate or any of the following signs, it’s probably time for a redesign.

CRETECH March 14, 2017

Ask any commercial real estate marketer to name the top three trends in marketing today, and virtual reality is guaranteed to make the list. Virtual and augmented reality tech continues revolutionizing

CRETECH March 14, 2017

Like most business owners, Chris Meyer found the lending process tedious and drawn out. In ten years of running various businesses, he applied for fourteen loans. Each required over two months to assemble the loan package: three years of business and personal tax returns, a personal financial statement, and an application f...

CRETECH March 13, 2017

Twice since we rang in the New Year, Yahoo announced a huge company-wide hacking breach exposing billions of user accounts. They are not alone. Hackers have breached a California lawmaker’s website, revealed a new bug in the

CRETECH March 10, 2017

Long before artificial intelligence chatbots started trending, we had Twitter bots. These programmed AI’s ranged from the weird, like @everyword that tweeted ever...

CRETECH March 09, 2017

Founders Ryan Freed, Corey Loftus, and Francesca Loftus started hOM after seeing how lifestyle amenities extended Ryan’s mother’s stage 3 cancer diagnosis from two years to eight years. He wanted to make these amenities more accessible for everyone. Amenities are a huge selling point in today's tenant-occupied real ...

CRETECH March 08, 2017

The essential modern office space checklist: location, amenities, parking, size...and internet connectivity? Yes, reliable internet connectivity is a non-negotiable feature of the current working world. That's because the majority of businesses rely on Internet service to operate. It’s not just Internet access for email: cloud access, VoIP, big data, and SaaS providers depend on connectivity....

CRETECH March 07, 2017

Back office duties famously drain valuable staff time better spent on essential functions. Thanks to new technology solutions that track every aspect of their job, property managers work more efficiently. Managing vendors, running invoices, and lead generation run automatically with the right system. Top property management software is easy to use, integrates into other software, and offers mob...

CRETECH March 03, 2017

Technology has reshaped how CRE professionals conduct and manage every aspect of business over the last decade. What started as long databases in Excel are now sophisticated automated systems integrated with contact databases, email, and accounting systems. The number of startups addressing industry pain points continues blossoming. Right now specific CRE markets are witnessing growth in techno...