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CRETECH August 29, 2017

Moving is such a hassle. Before you even pack the first box, there’s the rigmarole of finding a new place to live. That process in and of itself is time-consuming. You want to find...

CRETECH August 29, 2017

Ten-X, an online real estate transaction marketplace, will close a majority recapitalization deal with Thomas H. Lee Partners (THL) for a controlling stake in the company. THL is a private equity firm that invests in middle-market growth companies.

CRETECH August 28, 2017

Comfy delivers on-demand comfort exactly where and when you need it. By connecting employees directly to existing building systems, Comfy allows anyone to create the environment they need to do their best work.

Our team at CRE // Tech recently caught up with Comfy to learn more about their site, strategy and vision.

CRETECH August 24, 2017

If you've been paying attention, you've probably heard the term "blockchain" making its way around the conversation circuit over the past year or so. And for good reason. Blockchain is arguably the most significant technological development since the Ethernet. It will impact everything from self-driving cars to the global commodities market. Simply put, if storage and integrity of information m...

CRETECH August 23, 2017

Scale resources according to your dealflow – rather than the other way around. has built an army of real estate investment professionals from analyst level through C-suite, and designed a platform which makes them available for project-based consulting, on-demand. Investors, developers, auditors, family offices and ev...

CRETECH August 22, 2017

Will your next real estate agent come with free two-day shipping? Amazon surprised the world by acquiring grocer Whole Foods. Could the online retail giant spread into real estate be next? Maybe, according to what happened on July 11, Amazon's Prime day. A “hire a realtor” button appeared on the online retail giant's web site, creating a huge buzz in the real estate industry.  


CRETECH August 21, 2017

It’s not just their strawberries and corn that consumers want to know the source and sustainability practices. Tenants find attractive new developments that meet the highest standard of energy efficiency and sustainable construction practices. To encourage new and innovative practices, the US Department of Energy hosts the

CRETECH August 17, 2017

No one likes paying for something they don't use, but that’s what the majority of travelers do when booking hotel rooms. When was the last time you showed up exactly at check-in time and stayed until check-out? Whether checking in at 3 p.m. or 11 p.m., the booking rate is the same. Hotelflex...

CRETECH August 16, 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) helps property managers more efficiently run their properties, retailers save on energy costs, and brokers sell properties. Best of all, the revolution isn’t limited to one industry. When industrial properties upgrade to include IoT tech, the space becomes more productive while enhancing its buyer appeal. Since the industrial real estate market covers a wide array...

CRETECH August 15, 2017

Including technology is a great way to market properties and entice new tenants. With a wealth of tech available to help retailers, which ones do developers and owners invest in using? The answer depends on the particular space and type of tenant you’re looking to attract. Generally speaking, most retailers will gain benefits from the following technological enhancements.
