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CRETECH January 02, 2018

The digital age keeps us asking questions we once never dared to ask. One of them is this: can I be a real estate agent without having to work with a broker?

Real is an app that helps answer that question and allows licensed agents to function as their own boss. The platform helps them manage appointments and leads, prepare contracts, research the Multiple Listings Service, and perform ac...

CRETECH January 01, 2018

A commercial real estate development in Dubai became the first of its kind to accept the digital currency Bitcoin.  

Aston Plaza and Residences, developed by The Knox Group, is a 2.4M SF property consisting of two residential towers and a shopping mall. The project is expected to be completed in 2019, but Bitcoin is well on its way to making inroads in the commercial real estate main...

CRETECH December 28, 2017

On average, a company will spend $122 attempting to find a lost document, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. It’s also estimated that 7.5% of all company documents are lost completely.

Drill that math down a bit further: if your company utilizes 10,000 documents, 750 of...

CRETECH December 27, 2017

The influx of sales automation tools has worked wonders for the modern sales team, but despite its advances and benefits, human contact is still king. Automating the sale process can streamline team activity and reduce the danger of missed details, but it should never replace the value of reaching out with an actual hand.

Of course, the best solution is a bit of both:  automation hel...

CRETECH December 26, 2017

Ugh, yet another meeting in the conference room? Wait, this one may not be the time suck you’re dreading. says that 11 million meetings occur in the U.S. each and every day, and Americans average about 61.8 meetings per month. There is more math involved, but these two stats alone uph...

CRETECH December 21, 2017

Year-end is a great time to review your finances and rebalance your investment portfolio. If the current bull market has left you overweight in stocks, consider taking some money out of the stock market and diversifying into alternative investments. Real estate is a great alternative investment option for many people and it’s never been easier to start investing through crowdfunding platforms...

CRETECH December 20, 2017

Chatbots have become the real estate agent’s best friend when capturing leads (what other friend would answer a question at two a.m. on a Sunday morning?). Chatbots can do much of the heavy lifting that used to be left to agents, such as following up on online leads, asking qualifying questions, and searching MLS data. Once the lead is captured and all of the qualifying questions are answered...

CRETECH December 19, 2017

Our team at CRE // Tech recently caught up with Stealth Communications to learn more about their site, strategy and vision.

What does your site do?

Stealth Communications is different than other exhibitors at CRE Tech. We have a fiber optic network that we’ve built throughout NYC. We...

CRETECH December 18, 2017

Our team at CRE // Tech recently caught up with Reonomy to learn more about their site, strategy and vision.

What does your site do?

Reonomy is the largest