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CRETECH April 15, 2013

Image credit: cnet

Gmail Compose Feature: How to Disable

While Gmail is generally a really great cloud email service, sometimes they roll out features that are odd or just plain bad. Gmail Compose is one of them...

CRETECH April 06, 2013


Kyle Zaylor, author of the fantastic RealEstate Java blog recently wrote a 

CRETECH March 21, 2013

Back in September 12, 2012 on CRE Outsider, Loopnet's very own Kelly Steiz mentioned that Loopnet was "currently in development for new functionality to...

CRETECH March 19, 2013

I must admit something. I am addicted to email. On any given work day, I probably check my email accounts (I have 4) 100+ times. I have no idea why. Since I opened my first email account in 1998 (Hotmail!), I cannot recall one email where my life was in danger because I didn't read it in time.

Something I've learned: all this email checking is an unnecessary stress and distraction. But, ...

CRETECH March 18, 2013

Do you or your clients have a difficult time envisioning how a vacant office suite would layout? Commercial real estate just isn't staged the way residential listings usually are; so, unless your full-time job is CRE, many times this can be a struggle. Rather than sitting through napkin sketching meetings, check out Floorplanner.

Floorplanner is the easiest and best-looking way to creat...

CRETECH March 15, 2013

Adding signatures to email can be a real chore. Sometimes you can’t use images, or if you can, they’re not embedded and end up as attachments. And links to your social networks - forget about it! Some of the problems can be solved with “advanced” methods requiring some HTML knowledge. But if you’re frustrated with your email software’s signatu...

CRETECH March 13, 2013 just rolled out its new Listings Widget. It is slick, clean and simple to implement. From Rofo's announcement: We’re excited to unveil a new (and easier way) for commercial real estate brokers, agents, property managers and landlords to present available listings on their own website.

The Rofo listings widget (please help us come up with a better name) is:


CRETECH March 11, 2013


Rental Rate bar charts are soooo 2001. Ugh, and just when you were getting the hang of creating them in Excel....

Kwelia is a web-based application which uses heat mapping to visualize apartment rental rates.

How it works:

Big Data

Through professional relationships and bleeding-edge technology, we are ...

CRETECH March 08, 2013

In 1981, MTV debuted its first music video: the Buggles "Video Killed the Radio Star"¹. A recent twitter rant and followup blog post titled "Why I Hate Email CRE Marketing and Why it Won't Stop" by Coy Davidson got me ...

CRETECH February 27, 2013

For another incredible example of the HUGE potential data visualization has for commercial real estate, check out Motionloft, if you haven't already. Demographic and traffic information whi...