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marianne3 October 15, 2020
Catch up on-demand with this video interview with Greg Lindsay, Director of Research at NewCities where he outlines how we can adapt and react to a post-COVID world while tackling climate change. Greg challenges us to think about how we build a sustainable future by examining proximity, urban design and the use of technology.
marianne3 October 14, 2020
The European Union wants to at least double the pace of renovation of homes and offices over the coming decade in a bid to save more energy and meet stricter climate goals under a sweeping green overhaul.
marianne3 October 14, 2020
PassiveLogic, a startup developing a building controls platform, today raised $16 million. A spokesperson says the proceeds will be put toward growing PassiveLogic’s workforce and accelerating product R&D.
marianne3 October 13, 2020
The commercial real estate industry has pushed toward sustainability for years, but the upcoming presidential election could determine whether those efforts get a shot in the arm or continue piecemeal.
marianne3 October 13, 2020
In August and September 2020, the Savills Tech Practice group gathered survey responses from several hundred tech tenants to gauge the anticipated impacts of COVID-19 on their plans for office space both in the near term and in a post vaccine world.
marianne3 October 12, 2020
Search giant is continuing to push its plans despite the coronavirus pandemic. Google unveiled on Wednesday its most detailed vision yet for a transit-oriented neighborhood in downtown San Jose, a game-changing development that bids to reshape the west edges of the city’s urban core.
Lauren September 28, 2020
Paris-based studio Rescubika just released a proposal for a new building in New York City that would both make a mark 
Lauren September 24, 2020

With environmental benefits and lower labor costs, mass timber has grown into a market that could rival steel and concrete in the construction industry.

Lauren September 22, 2020
Sidewalk Labs has announced a new tool that uses real-time data and automation to optimise energy use in commercial spaces. The system, named Mesa, aims to help support cities’ climate action goals as more places push for greater energy efficiency in commercial real estate. It could help commercial buildings – partic...
Lauren September 19, 2020
While the global health crisis has put many aspects of daily life on hold, it has also afforded time to pause, reevaluate, and reinvent. Our clients, for the most part, are holding. They are hesitant to spend capital on their current portfolios and some are waiting to invest in distressed properties. In the interim, they are looking to the design industry for the things they should be cognizant of...