Lauren, Author at CREtech | Page 275 of 287

Lauren April 22, 2020
Coronavirus-prompted social distancing is testing the limits of businesses' workplace continuity and remote work plans. Meanwhile, some analysts are predicting a Great Recession-size hit to commercial real estate as tenants struggle to pay.
Lauren April 22, 2020
Many of our clients are currently facing an increased and urgent need to have all the data on revenue, risk and cashflow at their fingertips – quite literally in the case of those limited to mobile devices while working from home.
Lauren April 22, 2020
The events of the past several weeks have changed the world of work for today, and into the foreseeable future.  Since March of 2020, the majority of office-occupying industries have been working from home, while sheltering in place. This abrupt shift in workplace operations has resulted in significant behavioral changes that may have a lasting impact on workspace design and use, while simultane...
Lauren April 22, 2020
The new year arrived with a new job for Tyler Simon, who had high hopes for 2020. They didn’t last long. “Once Covid-19 hit, things went from bad to worse really quick,” said Simon, a father of two in Summerfield, North Carolina.
Lauren April 21, 2020
Today we announced layoffs at Carta of 161 people. Below is the announcement I made to the company at our all hands this morning. I’m sharing in the hope that it will help other ceos as they think about their layoff programs. If you are a ceo planning a layoff and would like help thinking through it, feel free to reach out to me.
Lauren April 21, 2020
As America’s attention turns to reopening its economy, many businesses are deploying a range of tactics to attempt to shield their workforces from the coronavirus. For the most part, they are making it ...
Lauren April 21, 2020
Chris Heuwetter never felt a need to monitor the employees of his Florida social-media marketing company. He could glance across his company’s 3,000-square-foot office and see them.
Lauren April 21, 2020
On Friday, April 10th, 2020, Apple and Google announced a joint effort and specifications to create a Bluetooth-based contact-tracing application programming interface that they plan to release in mid-May. This technology, they hope, will enable public health authori...
Lauren April 21, 2020
The Wing was riding high early last year. The network of women-focused clubs and co-working spaces was rolling out new locations around the U.S. and had secured new funding led by venture-capital powerhouse Sequoia Capital.
Lauren April 21, 2020
The Technology choices you can make right NOW to deploy in your building Details on specific technology that you can deploy right now to get your buildings and offices ready. So this will be a deep dive with a number of different companies and experts on various different technologies you can use as both an occupier and a landlord to get your buildings and...