May 01, 2020
When John Ensign flew from Cleveland to London in mid-February to meet with executives from two companies his real estate tech firm was looking to acquire, he said the coach section of his plane was only 10% full, and Heathrow Airport was half as crowded as usual.
Lauren, Author at CREtech | Page 267 of 287
When John Ensign flew from Cleveland to London in mid-February to meet with executives from two companies his real estate tech firm was looking to acquire, he said the coach section of his plane was only 10% full, and Heathrow Airport was half as crowded as usual.
A private funding round has pushed its valuation to $5 billion. After filing paperwork in February for an IPO, the company completed a private funding round that raised more than $150 million, according to Bloomberg
As we cross the 45-day mark since the COVID-19 health crisis emerged in the U.S., the immediate impacts on the PropTech industry have crystallized. Real estate operations have changed in fundamental ways – office spaces have been vacated; warehouse and distribution centers have continued operations but supply chain issues and employee health concerns are prevalent; retailers, other than the limi...
On the Far West Side of Manhattan, construction workers start every morning with a thermal forehead scan to take their temperatures. On service elevators at the high-rise development, they stand on floor markings to maintain social distancing. And when deliveries arrive, drivers stay behind...
The workers, most of them dressed in Ferrari-red factory outfits, stood at least three feet apart as they filed into the company’s medical offices. There, health care workers drew blood for the tests. Eight hours later, they were to be notified of the result of the so-called antibody, or serology, tests—designed to
Tens of millions of people are working from home. Zoom use has exploded as we’ve turned to video chats—even though they’re exhausting. And whenever we do go back to our offices, we probably won’t all go back. To enable social distancing, more ...
There’s no denying all of our lives have changed drastically in recent weeks. How we work and communicate has shifted — and that means you have to adapt if you want to succeed. And in many cases, technology will play a major role.
Built world and real estate industry experts come together to share actionable advice on what the new normal might look like and how we can prepare for a post-Covid compliant world.
Before you re-open your buildings and welcome your employees back to work, you need to be confident that you’ve thought through any space, occupancy or design adjustments. A critical step in developing your re-entry strategy is mapping potential risk points based on typical movements within the workplace and establishing dedensification thresholds. Each decision should effectively balance health...
life slowly returns to its streets, the retail industry in the U.S. may look to the country for guidance on what the post-pandemic world looks like and how to adapt to the new reality.
As businesses begin to reopen in China and