Lauren, Author at CREtech | Page 209 of 287

Lauren August 05, 2020
Most of Paris was asleep when a team of men in orange overalls fanned out across an avenue in the 11th arrondissement with blowtorches and road paint. They labored for hours to show Parisians a radical new way to use their 400-year-old street. By daybreak, one lane of regular traffic was gone and the asphalt was lined with rows of freshly stenciled yellow bicycles. Squads like this one have been d...
Lauren August 05, 2020
The average workday lengthened by 48.5 minutes in the weeks following stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, and the number of meetings increased by 13 percent, a working paper published Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research showed.
Lauren August 05, 2020
Making corporate real estate size decisions has always been a game of guess and growth. You estimated your headcount needs in the coming years, you estimated how people would use the space, you worked with an architect to test out architectural layouts and hoped that come move in day everyone was happy! Obviously that is a vast over-simplification but corporate real estate decisions have tradition...
Lauren August 05, 2020
Urban office markets and other commercial real estate in major cities are experiencing their worst stretch in decades, upended by the pandemic, changes in work behavior and struggling city economies. Tourism in most cities 
Lauren August 05, 2020
I have six wonderful Directors and three Observers on my board, plus myself. All are white and only one female. Here’s how we recognized the need to change and went about making it happen. Board diversity, or the lack thereof on my board, should have been obvious – I run an 
Lauren August 05, 2020
Giraffe - What's Broken With Property Development? Giraffe is the development prototyping platform. Development projects are complicated and need many eyes to validate & de-risk the investment. Coordinating all these sets of eyes is painstaking, error-prone and slow. Imagine if all those parties (development managers, designers, finance guys, sales people, investors & city planners) had a ...
Lauren August 04, 2020
A new real estate tech company is providing off-market listings to renters. Southern California-based PocketList is an apartment rental platform that provides rental listings before they are widely marketed, giving the renters a leg up on snagging the best housing. But, it isn’t only renters that are benefitting. Landlords will see vacancies fill faster, creating more stable occupancy and cash...
Lauren August 04, 2020
Missed the virtual summit or want to rewatch a session? Watch over 75 interviews and sessions featuring C-Suite thought leaders who took the stage at the world’s largest real estate tech summit on demand now.
Lauren August 04, 2020
A record $300 billion in funds designated to buy distressed commercial real estate assets remains on the sidelines despite plunging commercial real estate values tied to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to New York-based Enertiv.
Lauren August 04, 2020