Lauren, Author at CREtech | Page 149 of 282
With nonessential offices closed since December, most office occupiers are once again facing uncertainty about their office space, waiting until California and LA County regulations allow for a broader return to the office and until pandemic conditions improve so workers and employers feel better about returning to a physical office.
COVID-19 has spared no generation, but has put a unique burden on Gen-Zers—the roughly 67 million Americans born between 1997 and 2012—who are just entering the workforce, starting college, or graduating high school amid an international pandemic. Despite the coronavirus grinding everyday life as we know it to a halt,...
MIT researchers are looking to address the significant gap between how quickly robots can process information (relatively slowly), and how fast they can move (very quickly thanks to modern hardware advances), and they’re using something called “robomorphic computing” to do it. The method, designe...
Seattle startup Flexe raised an additional $10 million as part of its Series C funding round announced in December. Flexe CEO Karl Siebrecht said there was more inves...
Smart Building Certification, the organization behind the smart accreditation, awarded its first platinum building. The founders of Smart Building Certification handed the first official platinum certification over to Coen van Oostrom, Founder and CEO of EDGE.
EDGE Olympic Amsterdam has been called the smartest building in the world since its la...