April 07, 2021
The acquisition gives Redfin control of RentPath’s subsidiaries, including Apartment Guide, and, Inman reported. Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman said that listings from those platforms will appear on the brokerage’s website by 2022, according to the report. The deal closed in 42 days rather than the anticipated 90.
Lauren, Author at CREtech | Page 108 of 287
The acquisition gives Redfin control of RentPath’s subsidiaries, including Apartment Guide, and, Inman reported. Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman said that listings from those platforms will appear on the brokerage’s website by 2022, according to the report. The deal closed in 42 days rather than the anticipated 90.
How buildings are built and operated can have far-reaching environmental implications. While there has been some movement toward more sustainable energy portfolios with
proptech startups aimed at taking on
Venture capital firms this year have begun raising hundreds of millions of dollars that they plan to deploy into
The future of real estate is smart. Not implementing technology for technology’s sake, but the result of a conversation amongst tenants, owners and technologists focused on what the users of buildings actually want. WiredScore created a white paper to clearly identify what smart buildings consist of and why they matter today, featuring unique insight from global i...
record number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and ransomware attacks, and the numbers are expected to remain high through the rest of this deca...
As we look to a post-pandemic world, we can expect to see companies invest in building resilience to destructive-type attacks. 2020 saw a
Since the dawn of the computer age, humans have viewed the approach of artificial intelligence (AI) with some degree of apprehension. Popular AI depictions often involve killer robots or all-knowing, all-seeing systems bent on destroying the human race. These sentiments have similarly pervaded the news media, which tends to greet breakthroughs in AI with more
Raj Bhatti, Chief Information Officer at NKF, reveals the importance of approaching new technology holistically, and why he places such high value on gathering precise data.
The team at Properti, a technology-driven real estate firm focused on modernizing residential properties in Europe, reveals that it remains focused on expanding its operations. During March 2021, Properti reports that it was able to launch more than 212 new listings (real estate) – which is notably the strongest month ever for the platform.
Through a year of pandemic shutdowns and protests, Americans have rediscovered their public spaces. Homebound city dwellers sought havens in parks, plazas, and reclaimed streets. Many of these places also became stages for protests agains...
You know the drill. Disruption engenders change and, as a result of the current and ongoing market shock driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, change that was already underway has accelerated. Real estate companies have been embracing proptech like never before. However, this change has by no means been uniform across the board. I had a chat with Connell McGill (CEO) and Comly Wilson (director of marke...