CRE // Tech Intersect Returns to New York City for Biannual Symposium
CRE // Tech

(New York, New York – October 1, 2014) – CRE // Tech Intersect, a biannual commercial real estate (CRE) technology symposium, will be returning to New York City on Thursday, November 6, 2014 to facilitate an industry-wide conversation about how technology is changing the commercial real estate business. The event will connect forward-thinking CRE professionals with innovators that are driving efficiencies in the market through the latest technological advancements. The networking symposium will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will feature a panel of industry speakers, demonstrations from commercial real estate and technology firms, as well as an open bar and cocktail fare. Per the tradition of the event, CRE // Tech Intersect will be held in a raw commercial space in the heart of New York City. The location will be announced in the weeks prior to the symposium. Open to all participants of the commercial real estate and technology industries, attendees will be provided the opportunity to see how today’s CRE tech businesses are evolving to meet the needs of fellow market players. The demonstration period will enable guests to learn how competitors are using tech to their advantage while identifying new tech firms entering the CRE space. CRE // Tech Intersect has already seen an increase in the number of participating technology firms for the 2014 New York event. Over 40 commercial real estate technology companies will be demoing their products/services at the event including PivotDesk, 42Floors, Honest Buildings, The News Funnel, Hightower and Xceligent. For more information about CRE // Tech Intersect and attending upcoming events, visit About CRE // Tech Intersect CRE // Tech Intersect is a biannual commercial real estate (CRE) technology symposium that creates an industry-wide conversation about how technology is changing the commercial real estate business. The events unitetoday's forward-looking CRE professionalswith innovators that are driving efficiencies in the marketin one, fun, relaxed evening. The event was founded in 2013 by Pierce Neinken. The mission behind the event is to create a larger conversation about how technology is changing the commercial real estate industry. CRE // Tech Intersect Returns to New York City for Biannual Symposium CRE // Tech